Virginia's Only Standing Civil War Receiving Hospital
The Cemetery List—G through J

George C. Gantt Co. B, 7th Tennessee JUNE 1863
W. B. Gardner Co. K, 41st Virginia MAY 1864
F. Gatton Co. F, 13th North Carolina JANUARY 1864
Daniel Gentry Co. E, 13th North Carolina DECEMBER 1863
John W. Gibson 6th North Carolina JUNE 1863
Marcus Gilbert Co, K, 11th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
W. Gilbert Co. H, 17th Georgia APRIL 1862
J. H. Giles
<known relative>
Co. A, 58th Virginia OCTOBER 1863
R. B. Gillespie Co. I, 18th North Carolina AUGUST 1862
John P. Givens Co. I, 48th North Carolina APRIL 1864
Edward T. Glidewell Co. B, 59th North Carolina JULY 1863
A. L. Goff Co. G, 21st North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1862
E. A. Goff Co. G, 21st North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1862
B. G. Gooddin Co. G, 9th Louisiana MAY 1862
William Goodwyn Co. F, 1st Texas FEBRUARY 1863
G. W. Gortney Co. A, 26th North Carolina MAY 1864
Jesse C. Goss Co. A, 1st North Carolina AUGUST 1863
H. Graddy Co. I, 11th Georgia JUNE 1864
George Gray Co. K, 1st Virginia MARCH 1864
J. W. Grayer Co. D, 15th Virginia MAY 1864
J. Green Co. G, 23rd North Carolina MARCH 1862
James Green Co. G, 12th Virginia Cavalry MARCH 1864
John Green Co. C, 23rd North Carolina MARCH 1862
T. J. Green Co. H, 9th Louisiana NOVEMBER 1863
Vernon M. Green Richard's Cavalry (VA) AUGUST 1863
George D. Greer Sgt., Co. F, 14th Alabama SEPTEMBER 1863
James Greer Co. B, 9th Louisiana NOVEMBER 1863
Thomas H. Gregory Co. C, 27th Georgia DECEMBER 1862
William H. Gregory
<known relatives>
Co. F, 7th Georgia NOVEMBER 1862
Anderson Griffith Co. K, 2nd South Carolina MARCH 1863
T. L. Grimit Co. F, 7th Georgia Cavalry JUNE 1864
F. I. Grimsley Co. E, 27th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1862
H. R. Groce Co. G, 48th North Carolina JANUARY 1864
Peter D. Guillebeau Co. C, 7th South Carolina JUNE 1863
Henry Gupton Co. K, 44th North Carolina OCTOBER 1863
William A. Hager Co. C, 38th North Carolina JUNE 1863
David Hamilton Co. G, 7th Georgia Cavalry JULY 1864
Francis Hammer Ba1timore Artillery SEPTEMBER 1863
E. A. Hancock Co. B, 12th North Carolina MAY 1862
Charles D. Harding QM. Sgt. 2nd North Carolina AUGUST 1863
Cama Hardwell Co. F, 32nd North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
Seth T. Hardy Cpl. Co. A, 3rd North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1862
D. A. Harman Co. C, 28th North Carolina MAY 1862
William Harper Co, H, 44th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
A. Harris Co. K, 43rd North Caro1ina NOVEMBER 1863
Archibald Harris
<known relative>
Co. K, 12th North Carolina MAY 1862
J. Harris Co. A, 9th Louisiana MAY 1862
J. P. Harris Co. C, 3rd Georgia MARCH 1864
R. S. Harris Co. D, 5th South Carolina JUNE 1864
T. M. Harris Sgt., Co. F, 4th Virginia NOVEMBER 1863
Thomas Harvey Co. F, 13th Virginia Infantry OCTOBER 1864
Lewis Haswell Co. K, 54th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
John S. Hatten Co, C, 44th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
Solomon Hawks Co. E, 29th Virginia JUNE 1863
Edward A. Hayden Co. B, 1st Maryland Battery NOVEMBER 1863
Francis M. Hayes Co. H, 13th Georgia JUNE 1863
Jesse H. Haygood Co, H, 3rd Arkansas NOVEMBER 1862
B. L. Hayne Co. F, 40th Virginia OCTOBER 1863
W. H. Hays Co. B, 53rd Georgia NOVEMBER 1862
Wm. Head Co. I, 48th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1862
William L. Headly Co. J, 37th North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
William Heath Co. C, 45th North Carolina APRIL 1864
George W. Heathcock Co. A, 51st Georgia NOVEMBER 1862
F. Hebert Co. H, 8th Louisiana MAY 1862
Joshua A. Hedgecock Co. D, 21st North Carolina OCTOBER 1862
R. H. Helm Co. H, 4th Virginia Cav. JUNE 1864
James E. Henderson Co. K, 7th South Carolina JUNE 1863
Jesse R. Henderson Co. E, 30th North Carolina MARCH 1863
H. F. Hennington Co. H, 10th Louisiana JUNE 1864
G. W. Herbert Co. A, 14th North Carolina APRIL 1864
A. G. Hester Co. C, 6th Alabama MAY 1864
William W. Hewell
<known relative>
Co. D, 10th Georgia AUGUST 1863
Howell Hicks
<known relative>
Co. F, 21st North Carolina OCTOBER 1862
Stephen Hicks
<known relative>
Co. F, 21st North Carolina AUGUST 1863
Lewis Higgins Co. F, 30th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
Nathaniel W. Hight Rockbridge Artillery (VA) MARCH 1863
Jonathan Hill Co. J, 2nd North Carolina JUNE 1863
William P. Hill Phillips' Legion MARCH 1863
Thomas Hinshaw Co. G, 26th North Carolina FEBRUARY 1864
John Hobson Co. G, 26th North Carolina SEPTEMBER 1863
T. Hock Sgt.,Co. H, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry JUNE 1864
Francis Hogan Co. H, 5th U.S. Calvary MARCH 1865
William A. Holden Co. F, 48th Georgia SEPTEMBER 1863
Jethro Holland Co. A, 16th Virginia OCTOBER 1863
John Holland Co. A, 1st South Carolina MAY 1864
William H. Hotze
<known relative>
Courtney's Virginia Light Artillery MAY 1862
G. Hone Co. D, 65th New York JULY 1864
Wilson Hooper Co. F, 45th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
J. Hopwood Co. G, 15th North Carolina DECEMBER 1863
H. H. Houchins Co. C, 21st Georgia APRIL 1862
R. C. Huchins Co. B, 44th North Carolina NOVEMBER 1863
Abram O. Houston Co. I, 18th Mississippi AUGUST 1863
James P. Howlett Johnson's Artillery AUGUST 1863
O. A. Huffman Co. F, 6th Pennsylvania Cav. JUNE 1864
James H. Hufton Co, I, 2nd North Carolina DECEMBER 1862
-- Hugg 144th New York DATE UNKNOWN
A. Hughes Co. G, 11th Virginia APRIL 1862
Wm. Huhn Co. B, Louisiana Artillery MAY 1864
Simpson Humphries Palmetto Legion(S.C.) NOVEMBER 1862
C. Hunt Massie's Artillery NOVEMBER 1863
John Hutson Co. H, 13th North Carolina JUNE 1863
R. J. Irby Sgt., Co. D, 7th Tennessee NOVEMBER 1863
J. S. Isdell Co. A, Cobb's Legion MARCH 1863
T. James Co. H, 48th North Carolina MARCH 1864
Ephreim L. Jenkins Co. G, 10th North Carolina AUGUST 1863
Lewis M. Jenkins Co. A, 48th Alabama JUNE 1863
A. Johnson Co. F, 20th Louisiana JUNE 1864
C. Johnson Co. D, 60th Georgia DECEMBER 1863
John Johnson Co. H, 21st Georgia JANUARY 1864
Lewis H. Johnson Co. E, 37th Virginia DECEMBER 1862
S. A. Johnson Co. E, 2nd Louisiana DECEMBER 1863
William Johnson Co. E, 22nd Georgia SEPTEMBER 1863
William T. Johnson Co. C, 49th Georgia DECEMBER 1862
William W. Johnson Co. A, 13th North Carolina MARCH 1864
David Madison Johnston
<known relative>
Sgt., Co. H, 53rd Georgia AUGUST 1863
Thomas B. Joiner
<known relative>
28th Georgia DECEMBER 1862
J. B. Jolly Co. A, Cobb's Legion NOVEMBER 1862
A. R. Jones Sgt., Co. J, 45th Georgia MAY 1864
E. R. Jones Co. A, 3rd Georgia DECEMBER 1863
James Jones Madison Artillery (LA) MARCH 1863
Wilson Jones Co. A, 37th North Carolina JUNE 1863
W. R. Jones Co. E, 15th Alabama MAY 1862
R. S. Jordan Co. H, 13th Georgia JUNE 1864
Thomas R. Joyce Co. E, 61st Georgia DECEMBER 1862
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